Sportstrack functions as one big sports league created for participating members across the world to upload their personal sports performance data. Sports can range from running to swimming to track and field.... basically all sports that can be measured by time and distance. The leaderboard also records personal effort by logging the number of attempts, and ranking and posting personal performance data of student athletes and individuals from schools and sports clubs around the world.
Sportstrack was created by teachers for teachers and their students. It is used to record, review, reward and rank amateur athletes from schools and sports clubs. Targeting promising athletes or simply those interested in understanding their performance and progress on a global level the database displays a global league table for all members to access online.
Additionally, this league table helps teachers and coaches to effectively measure the success of individuals or students by monitoring personal progress and comparing them on a worldwide leader board against their peers.
All PE teachers and coaches will be able to add data on to the website. This will immediately launch a profile page for every student in the school above the age of 6. Every student will then receive an email with password sent to their parents/guardian. When the parent gives permission and the password is entered, students can then start the sportstrack journey. Over 13 do not need permission.
Ultimately we want to track the fastest and the most dedicated athletes. Our members or 'Champions' are all amateur athletes of varying standards. Their level ranges from recreational to semi-professional, sporty to non-sporty, mixed genders, aging from 6 to 60 years, each with the common goal of wanting to share their sports data with others and compare results.
We hope to host an annual country, region and eventually world event for all our members to meet and compete, face to face, for the ultimate online-offline real-time challenge.
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